Be On The Lookout for Counterfeit Notes


23 July 2017

Warwick Police are warning businesses to be vigilant after several counterfeit $50 notes have been found circulating in Warwick. There have been several incidents reported to police where counterfeit money has been used to purchase goods at different Warwick businesses.

Police are reminding employees to check the quality of the note before handing any change to a customer.

Tips to spot counterfeit notes:

1 Is it plastic: You can scrunch the banknote in your hand and a genuine banknote should spring back

2. Look for the Coat of Arms: If you hold the banknote to the light, you should see the Austalian Coast of Arms

3. Look for the star: Diamond-shaped patterns are printed inside a circle on both sides of the banknote. If you hold the banknote up to the light, the patterns should line up perfectly to form a seven-pointed star.

4. Check the clear window: It should be an integral part of the banknote not an addition.

Tips if given a fake note:

  • Handle the note as little as possible.
  • Take note of the persons description and any vehicle they may of used.
  • Report to the police immediately.
  • You can refuse to accept a bank note if you are concerned it may be counterfeit.
  • Don’t do anything that might put your safety or the safety of others at risk.