Australian Woman's Death Likely Related To Astra Zeneca Vaccine

The second death related to the vaccine

10 June 2021

New South Wales Newsroom


Authorities believe the death the New South Wales woman is linked to the Astra Zeneca vaccine, but are reminding the public the risk is still low.

A 52-year-old woman died from an extremely rare bloodletting disorder earlier in the past week, the TGA said on Thursday.

If it is found to be connected to the vaccine, the woman’s death could be the second as a result of blood clots from this jab

But Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly says the risks remain very low:

"This remains an extremely rare event to get these clots, but when it happens it can have tragic circumstances"

A 48-year-old Australian woman’s death was found to be related to the vaccine in April. There's been a total of 48 reported cases of the disorder, called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), related to the vaccine in Australia. 

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