Australian Man Rescued After 100 Days At Sea In Homemade Boat

No engine or communication equipment

4 January 2018

An Australian man has been rescued off the coast of Hawaii after 100 days at sea in a homemade boat.

The sailor departed from Panama with the intention of sailing home, but was blown off course due to strong winds.

The 62-year-old's voyage took place on a 9-foot boat with no communication systems or engine.

Luckily, he managed to flag down a commercial ship six kilometres away from Maui, Hawaii on Sunday afternoon.

It is understood that the man appeared disoriented and had trouble making his way to port.

“Being disoriented while at sea in a vessel with no communication capabilities aboard can be deadly if not handled quickly,” said Maui Coast Guard’s Petty Officer 2nd Class Jacob Schlereth.

The sails of the boat were also reportedly in poor condition.