Aussie Driver Caught Trying To Offload Her Demerit Points On Facebook Marketplace

"Is this still available?"

25 September 2019

Deirdre Marie


Anyone who has used Facebook Marketplace to try and offload an old phone or a skateboard that's been collecting dust under your bed since your long-gone Tony Hawk days knows it can be a double-edged sword.

On one hand, you can pretty easily make a little cash while making room for more junk.

On the other, you're dealing with people who will use and abuse the privileges that Facebook Marketplace so generously brings into our homes.

Enter the Perth woman who, 7News reports, was offering hundreds of dollars for someone to pick up her demerit points through the service.

"$300 cash in hand. $100 a demerit point," the unnamed woman wrote. "Only have 1 point left, need someone to take 3 points for me so I don't loose [sic] my licence.

"Pretty straight forward."

The ad has since been taken down; although technically not illegal to advertise this kind of thing, anyone who put their hand up to take the points could cop a spell in prison.

"The maximum penalty for fraud in Western Australia is generally seven years imprisonment," West Australian lawyer Michelle Makela said.

"However, if the person deceived is over 60 years old, then the maximum penalty increases to 10 years imprisonment."

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