Apple Has Accidentally Leaked Sketches Of The New iPhone X

Can you... see the difference?

6 August 2018


App has reportedly given tech lovers - whether accidental or not - a sneak peak at the new iPhone X.

According to info leaked by Brazilian website iHelpBR, Apple are currently testing a beta of iOS 12 which has five hidden codes pointing to a larger iPhone X model.

The coding allegedly reveals that the 6.5 inch iPhone X Plus will have a 2688 x 1242 pixel resolution, meaning that it can be used, like the iPad, in landscape mode.

You can check out the leaked plans below but, if we're being honest, we've been staring at them for a long time and there's not that much of a discernible difference.

Yes, we're confused too.

Apparently, the new iPhone X Plus is also going to contain dual SIM cards; 9to5Mac cite "new references to 'second SIM status' and a 'second SIM tray status'" as proof our future will involve having two SIMs.

"Those references are clearly an indication that iOS is being updated to run in a future device with support for two SIM cards," they went on.

"The mention of a 'second sim tray' indicates it would in fact have two physical SIM cards instead of a regular one and an e-SIM as the second."

If you're wondering why on earth anyone would need a dual SIM phone, then you're probably not the customer Apple will be targeting with the update.

But the feature will be music to the ears of users who routinely visit multiple countries and are sick of swapping physical SIM cards in and out, depending on which carrier plan is required.