Andy From Flick Tells Us How He Can Keep Your House Free Of Germs

Here's how he can help

27 April 2020

Taylah Gray

General Hygiene is a top priority for everyone with COVID-19 making us take extra precautionary measures to stay safe, but now you can get some extra help to keep those germs away. 

Andy from Flick came to the station and did a disinfectant spray to help keep everyone in the workplace healthy, and now they can come to your house. 

Andy said it is a add-on to the hygiene measures everyone is currently taking.

"We have been doing disinfecting services for a while but obviously with COVID-19, and the upcoming flu season, we decided to get a bit more focused on it," Andy said.

He claims they can disinfect anything from schools, offices, retail businesses, houses, vehicles and much more to help keep everyone safe at this time.

"We can do precautionary sprays or we can do sprays with there being a confirmed or suspected case" Andy said. 

It is a very high end hospital grade disinfectant solution, houses starting at $240 and businesses starting at $350. 

For more information visit the website here.

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