American School Forced To Apologise For Serving Students Kangaroo

Parents left "outraged"

20 October 2018


An American school in Nebraska has been forced to issue an apology after it was found the school served Kangaroo meat to its students. 

Parents were left outraged after the school failed to inform them, that they were serving their kids 'exotic meat'. 

In a statement, Superintendent Mike Williams apologised for the incident. 

"On behalf of the Potter-Dix Public Schools, I apologise for the anxiety and any harm that this has caused individual students and/or families," Williams said. 

Mr. Williams would then explain why the Kangaroo meat was mixed with beef in the lunch-menu item. 

"It was added because the kangaroo meat because of its nutritional value because it is a very lean meat.

"If a family wants to eat exotic foods, they can do so on their own time – not at school," he continued. 

"If we were to have food or ingredients that are out of the ordinary, they should be listed on the menu so that the students and families are aware of what they would be being served.

"We will no way be serving food of this nature again. Period."

Unfortunately the school's head cook, Kevin Frei, is now no longer employed by the school district.