America Has Foresaken Us All By Inventing Mayocue And Mayomust

The beginning of the end

6 March 2019

Ever discovered something so horrible, that you can't believe it's real?

That was the reaction to America's latest 'creation', Mayocue and Mayomust.

Heinz US has decided that what the world needs right now is to combine condiments, with the two sauces following the 'success' of the Mayochup sauce.

Clearly, someone thought that they were solving a problem that doesn't exist.

Get ready to save a few seconds when making a sandwich, and a whole extra bottle space in the fridge. Presumably, for more mashups to be created by mad scientists in the future.

While they're currently only available in America, it's inevitable that they'll make their way here. Why is this happening? Who knows, but it's not good.