Adored Toowoomba Cafe On The Move To A New Location

Jen Shaw joins Lee

10 February 2022

Emerge Cafe is more than just a coffee spot, it's an enterprise which assists the community.

During trying times, the Cafe is once again on the move, seeking improved funding for their work with at-risk kids and social aid.

Jen Shaw joined Lee for Breakfast to share why they are moving to another location.

Shaw feared the COVID-19 situation would completely derail the business, but her love for assisting children-in-need weighs strong. 

"We've hung in there as much as we can," Shaw said. "With all things comes positive stuff, and we've found our forever home."

Emerge Cafe's will for a third time find a new beginning, this time at the Youth Memorial Hall in Toowoomba.

"It's an awesome partnership to help kids who are having a hard time to get on track ... It's also going to now be our home base for a lot of the crisis work we do."


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