A "The Simpsons Movie" Sequel Is Finally On The Way

No word on if Spider Pig will return

14 August 2018

The Simpsons Movie

More than 10 years after it first migrated to the big screen, the powers that be at Fox have given the go-ahead for a sequel to The Simpsons Movie.

The news was nestled in a report by The Wall Street Journal alongside plans for a Bob's Burgers movie and - wait for it - a "live-action hybrid" Family Guy flick.

The latter has proven a bone of contention for fans, who can't work out why it's taken so long for a Family Guy movie.

No doubt Fox is trying to recreate the success of The Simpsons Movie, which raked in a jaw-dropping US$527 million worldwide after its release back in 2007.

It also gave the show - now approaching its 30th season - a much-needed popularity boost.

Whether or not the second movie will prove as successful or as loved as the first, though, probably hinges on one thing: Spider Pig.

Stay tuned.