BEST OF 2020: A Bloke Spent A Year Recording His Son’s Baby Noises And Edited It Into AC/DC’s Thunderstruck

A full year

16 December 2020

Rudi Edsall

Image: YouTube/Matt McMillan

File this one under “Why?”.

A bloke has spent 12 months recording all his baby son’s coos, cries, and other various baby noises and then painstakingly edited them into a version of Thunderstruck by AC/DC.


The man, Matt McMillan, explained how he pulled it together in a seperate making-of video.

“I spent a year recording my son making all sorts of baby noises,” he said.

“After dumping the clips into a computer, I first pulled out all the sounds without a tone, and then manually sorted the remaining 83 clips by pitch.

“From there, I figured out the musical note of each clip.”

After that, he put together drum sounds using sneezes for hi-hats, a sofa hit for bass drum and a floor hit for the snare.

Check out the making of video here:

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