24/7 Cameras For MAFS? Connie Reckons It’s Not A Bad Idea

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19 February 2020

Connie and Jonnie. Conethen and Jonethen. They’re the rhyming, cute-sy, adorable slow burn couple from MAFS… or so we thought.

 To be honest, we’re quite fed up watching Jonethen’s anti-phone (and frankly, Anti-Spending-Time-With-Connie) antics on the telly.

So what on EARTH is going on with Connie’s hubby?

Sounds like a tough contender! Did Jonethen get the hint and put down the screen or has the damage already been done? 

Well, Connie has been far from impressed. After confiscated his phone like a naughty school boy, Connie attempted to “reconnect” with Jonethen – without a WiFi signal in sight.

So how does someone permanently superglued to their phone respond to such an order? With understanding and compassion?

Well, surprise surprise. Jonethen has spat the dummy. He tells his wife that taking away his phone is like being under a DICTATORSHIP. So we’re shocked to see that Connie decides to sleep on the couch in protest.

Or, so we were lead to thought. 

Turns out that Connie’s sleeping arrangement was far from her choice:

We know the producers can’t possibly pick up EVERYTHING that goes down on MAFS. They have to go home to their actual wives and husbands eventually. But Connie hints that things aren’t so lovely-dovey behind-the-scenes in MAFS land: