2020 Elmore Field Days Cancelled

Due to COVID-19

9 July 2020

The Elmore & District Machinery Field Days Committee have cancelled the 2020 Elmore Field Days, which was due to take place in October 2020. 

Due to the continuing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the restrictions and conditions around running events, the committee felt this decision would be in the best interest of public health and safety for all exhibitors, volunteers and attendees.

The Committee left the decision to cancel as late as possible, with the hope that the COVID-19 situation might have eased, but due to the government restrictions, uncertainty around running events and the current outbreaks, the decision was clear.

The Elmore Field Days attracts exhibitors and public from all over Australia and overseas. Due to the current interstate and international border restrictions, it would not be guaranteed that they could include their usual patrons.

Derek Shotton, President said, "Whilst it is disappointing we can’t run this year, there are two major risks we can’t take as a community. One is the ramifications it would have on the community if the field days goes broke if we committed to run – costing a massive amount of money – then were forced to cancel at the last minute. The second is that if we ran and it caused an outbreak in our community".

The Elmore Field Days has been running yearly since 1964. This year was meant to be the 57th Elmore Field Days. The Elmore Field Days has only ever missed one day of Field Days due to a flood in 1975, causing the last day of Field Days to be cancelled.

“We hope that everyone continues to stay safe and well. We plan to be back bigger and better on 5th, 6th & 7th October 2021”, Mr Shotton said.

The Elmore Field Days would like to thank everyone involved in the field days for being so supportive and understanding during this difficult time for all. Thank you to our, committee, members, sponsors, community, volunteers, exhibitors and the public. 

Missed the show? Catch up with Cogho & Kylie here: