12 Year-Old Keely Takes Over The Show With The Perfect Interview

Move over Pinky!

4 May 2020

Georgie Marr


Lego Masters has kicked off again, with our favourite and always hilarious host Hamish Blake leading the charge. 

The show has returned at the perfect time, keeping both adults and kids entertained from self-isolation and providing the kids with some inspiration for future lego builds of their own. 

Pinky decided to ramp up her home-schooling technique, giving her 12 year-old daughter Keely the opportunity to live her dream and interview one of her favourite Lego Master teams. 

Keely chats with Jen & Jodie, questioning the girls about their favourite designs, whether it breaks their hearts to break their builds and how they come up with their impressive ideas under pressure. 

Tune into the full catch-up below...